About Me

Who Am I?

Marin Palma

Professional Bookkeeper

Just like you, I have a life outside of my business. While helping business owners find the joy in their business and life does bring me joy, I also make time for the other things in my life that bring me joy.

Nothing brings me more joy than spending time with my husband and son. I also spend a lot of my free time quilting. I love sewing each piece of fabric together just right until it becomes something both beautiful and useful.

Other people might not find well done books beautiful, but I do. And there is no doubt that your books are most useful when they are complete and accurate. My goal as a bookkeeper is to give my clients a way to have beautiful books and also have time to do the things in their business and life that bring them joy.

What brings you joy? How can I help you spend more time doing that?

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Schedule A Consultation

Click here to schedule a free consultation and see how I can bring more joy into your life!